Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 30, 2015

Jom Berjimba di Felda Residence Hot Spring, Sungai Klah

Assalamualaikum and Hi.Hi.Hi..

Last weekend Mr.Hubby and I along with my family in-laws went to Felda Residence Hot Spring, Sungai Klah. The location is situated in Sungkai, Perak and it took almost 2 hour driving from KL. To know the specific location, you can waze it.hahahaha. From KL, its better for you to take exit at Sungkai toll and just follow the signboard. No Waze application also will do..:).

Please take note that No Meals.Drinks or any kind of outside foods is allowed to enter the premise. You must buy the foods that provided inside the premise only. ( for sure the price is cekik darah) unless you have the skills how to seludup your delicious foods inside there.hehehe. As for us, we manage to bring inside our own foods.Yeehaaaa.

Operation Hours ~ 10 AM till 6 PM

As for the entrance tickets, lets check it out..:)

ADULT ~ RM 15.00
CHILDREN ( 4 - 12 years old ) ~ RM12.00

As for Parking Fee is FOC.

From a ticket counter, there will be a transport so called a train will pick you up and drop you near the pools spot.

Instead of berendam in Hot Spring, we actually also have a choice to mandi-manda in Spring Pools which I think everybody love it more..:P

Honestly speaking we did not took any single photos to be remembers as all of us are more excited in having fun swimming in the pool.Peace Yaw!!. You can google it for image. Okey!a review without evidence. I hope you guys believe it yeah.

I think this place is kinda a good spot for you to have some quality time with your family.

Much Love XOXO,

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mommy To Be ~ Pengalaman Trimester Pertama



Lain orang lain ceritanya.This time aku nak share my morning sickness during my first trimester. By the way, Time aku type post ni, ak baru je masuk second trimester (usia kandungan 4 bulan lebih).Fuhh lega da habis azab morning sickness.Syukur Alhamdulillah.

Seriously horibble and terrible betul my morning sicknes selama 4 bulan. Hari-hari aku muntah and langsung tak boleh sentuh makanan. Sometimes, I"ll vomit almost 10-15 times per day.Urghhh.You know what, after 4 months, my weight dropped 5 Kg.Yeaaahh!! . Aku sedih sangat and risau if anything bad will happen to my baby.Yela bila baby tak cukup zat kan.Alhamdulillah waktu second check up, doc cakap everything is OK.Just aku kena jugak paksa makan.For my goods and also surely for perkembangan baby. Aku minum air kosong pon muntah.Haiyaaaa. The most worried one is of course my Hubby.Dia pon dah tak tahu nak ikhtiar macammana nak kurangkan aku punya morning sickness.

Yang peliknya, aku boleh pulak makan kalau kat rumah orang.meaning rumah adik beradik akula.elok je aku makan masa pergi rumah abang aku kat Melaka and Kemaman.No muntah!.No pening!.Siap makan banyak lagi. Balik je KL terus muntah.Seriously baby aku tak suka bau KL kot.hahahhahaha..

Nasib baik morning sickness aku tak effect aku punya kerja.Sepanjang 4 bulan ni aku MC 2 hari je.Itu pon sebab demam kurang air dalam badan.Elok je drive kereta pergi kerja walaupun aku selalu muntah time drive nak pergi kerja and balik kerja.No worries dah standby plastik dalam kereta siap-siap.hehehehe. Orang dalam kereta sebelah tengok pelik takde hal lah.hikhik.

Alhamdulillah, sekarang da masuk trimester kedua. Dah boleh makan.Yahoo!!.Muntah sekali je sehari time gosok gigi pagi-pagi.

Much Love XOXO,

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Pureen Stock Clearance Promotion ( 7-8 March 2015)



Mak Buyung so excited nak pergi memborong barang-barang baby this weekend.

Ayuh Kita!...:)

Much Love XOXO,